1 |
target_id |
Unique identification of the target/interface combination
2 |
identification |
Identification of the decoy; note that the same identification may occur over multiple interfaces of the same target
3 |
round |
CAPRI Round where the target was offered
4 |
target |
Target ordinal
5 |
interface |
Interface ordinal
6 |
p_id |
Predictor ID used for this Round and target
7 |
p_type |
Predictor type; can be P for Predictors, U for Uploaders, and S for Scorers
8 |
p_rank |
Predictor ordinal
9 |
name |
Name of the PI of the Predictor Group
10 |
uid |
Unique predictor ID; this ID is invariant over the entire scoreset database
11 |
model |
Rank of the submitted model
12 |
e |
Boolean indicating whether the model was included in the clash calculation
13 |
nclash |
Number of clashes in the model
14 |
threshold |
Clash threshold above which a model is disqualified
15 |
fnat |
Fraction of native contacts
16 |
fnonnat |
Fraction of non-native contacts
17 |
f1 |
F1, calculated from fnat and fnonnat
18 |
dockq |
DockQ score, calculated from fnat, lrms and irms
19 |
lrms |
Ligand RMS
20 |
irms |
Interface RMS
21 |
srms |
Side-chain RMS
22 |
ia |
Interface area (Ų)
23 |
dL |
Ligand displacement (Å)
24 |
thetaL |
Ligand misorientation angle (degrees)
25 |
nchain |
Not used
26 |
(*_coverage) |
Residue coverage vs the target; can be above 100 due to unresolved residues in the target structure
27 |
fIR_L |
Ligand interface recall based on loss of accessibility
28 |
fIR_R |
Receptor interface recall based on loss of accessibility
29 |
fOP_L |
Ligand interface overprediction based on loss of accessibility
30 |
fOP_R |
Receptor interface overprediction based on loss of accessibility
31 |
mrms_L |
Ligand molecular RMS
32 |
mrms_R |
Receptor molecular RMS
33 |
classification |
CAPRI classification of the model
34 |
main_classification |
CAPRI classification, regardless of disqualification
35 |
stars |
CAPRI classification in terms of number of stars attributed (0=incorrect; 3=high)
36 |
clashes |
Boolean indicating disqualification due to too many clashes
37 |
low_id |
Boolean indicating disqualification due to too low sequence identity with the target
38 |
md5 |
Unique MD5 code indicating the origin of the Scorer-submitted model